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PhD & Master Bursaries


One of the aims of ESREA is to support PhD students and early career researchers in their professional development. 


The bursaries can be used for covering conference fees, travelling and lodging expenses. 


Three bursaries of 300 € each are available to PhD and MA students. Applicants must be members of ESREA (individual or covered by institutional membership) and must participate actively in the event.


Applicants for bursaries (PhD or MA students) should submit a paper or symposium proposal.


They should also send in a separate file:

(a) information regarding their academic position (name, university, whether studying for PhD or MA); 

(b) a letter of support from their supervisor;

(c) the reason for applying (e.g., lack of funding from the home institution).


Please note that the Secretary of ESREA will check if applicants already have been awarded a bursary recently (past three years).

©2024 por PSAE Network Conference ESREA

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